Monday, November 21, 2011

Two Plus You: Mini Candy Apples-Quick Tasty Treat

Two Plus You: Mini Candy Apples-Quick Tasty Treat: For an after dinner treat tonight, I decided my daughter and I would try and make mini candy apples. I'd say they were a success!!! I alrea...

Mini Candy Apples-Quick Tasty Treat

For an after dinner treat tonight, I decided my daughter and I  would try and make mini candy apples. I'd say they were a success!!! I already had to go to Wal-Mart this evening, so I just added some apples and caramel bits to my list. I had the rest of the supplies at home.
Supplies used: apples, caramel bits, melon baller, sprinkles of any kind, baking cups, toothpicks

You will probably realize you already have these items in your cabinet.

SPRINKLES!!!!!!! YUM!!!!!

So easy,a cute 7 year old can do it :-)
 Once we had our supplies laid out, we began. We started by washing the apples and using the melon baller to cut out about 8 "mini" apples. You want a small piece of apple skin left on each apple. Then you dry. We blotted with a paper towel.
Time to We chose toothpicks, but you can also use lollipop sticks.
 Ok so clearly I missed a picture or two, but after you stick toothpicks into each apple, you will need to prepare your caramel. We simply poured some our caramel bits into a bowl, added 2 teaspoons of water, then microwaved for two minutes. Caramel sets QUICKLY so you need to be ready to dip. We learned this the hard way and had to make another batch..OOPS!!! Once you dip each apple into caramel, you can dip immediately into toppings. After they were dipped, I laid on wax paper and placed in refrigerator.

Voila!!!! Here is our finished project.
These were so fun and easy to make. My daughter said they were super yummy. I had one and let her eat the rest. Imagine the possibilities!!! You can decorate them to fit any occasion and they are a perfect mini appetizer for kids and adults.

Disclaimer- the caramel slid right off of some of these bad boys. Once we were done I read how to remedy this. You can dip apples into a candy coating of your choice, let chill, then dip into caramel. Should do the trick.

With the holidays soon approaching, we hope you try this tasty treat and serve to your family and friends. Good Luck.

Two Plus You,
Over and out